Monday, December 8, 2008

Half-Marathon Training Week 3

Monday 12/08

Only 145 more days before my first Half-Marathon.

I weighed in this morning at 226lbs. I started week 3 off with a 7.20 Kms run this morning around the track at my local YMCA. I finished with a time of 42:35.

Last week I started to experience some discomfort in my right foot. Probably due to not stretching enough or at all prior to my runs. I ran today with a tensor bandage wrapped around it and it felt fine.

Tuesday 12/09

144 days and counting before my first Half-Marathon. I ran 4.91 Kms in 30 minutes on the Treadmill after work. Bringing my total for the week to 12.11 Kms. My max heart rate was 176 bpm. When I got home I noticed some discomfort above my left knee. Nothing that can't be cured with Ibuprofen and rest.

Wednesday 12/10

143 days and counting. Another 4.91 Kms on the treadmill. My total for the week is 17.02 Kms. The discomfort I was feeling yesterday is gone.

Thursday 12/11

142 more days to go. Today is a well deserved rest day.

Friday 12/12

141 days and counting. My weight is still holding steady at 226 lbs. Another 4.86 Kms on the treadmill. My total for the week is 21.88 Kms. My workout was pain free. Saturday and Sunday will be rest days. Back to training on Monday with 8 Kms on an Indoor Track.